
Accounts documents

Payments over £100 2020/21

Payments over £100 2020/21 150 150 Katherine Checchia

Bank Reconciliation 2020/21

Bank Reconciliation 2020/21 150 150 Katherine Checchia

Notice of Exercise of Public Rights 2020/21

Notice of Exercise of Public Rights 2020/21 150 150 Katherine Checchia

Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2020/21

Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2020/21 150 150 Katherine Checchia

Calne Without Parish Council Internal Audit Report 2020/21

Calne Without Parish Council Internal Audit Report 2020/21 150 150 Katherine Checchia

Supporting Documents Calne Without Parish Council Meeting 4th May 2021: Annual Governance and Accounting Return 2020/21

Supporting Documents Calne Without Parish Council Meeting 4th May 2021: Annual Governance and Accounting Return 2020/21 150 150 Katherine Checchia

Calne Without Parish Council Meeting 12th April 2021: Balance and Expenditure

Calne Without Parish Council Meeting 12th April 2021: Balance and Expenditure 150 150 Katherine Checchia

Agenda Calne Without Parish Council Finance Committee 7th April 2021

Agenda Calne Without Parish Council Finance Committee 7th April 2021 150 150 Katherine Checchia

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