Neighbourhood Planning
On 6th February 2018, Wiltshire Council took the decision, pursuant to Section 38A(4) of the Planning & Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, to ‘make’ the Calne Community Neighbourhood Plan.
The Calne Community Neighbourhood Plan now forms part of the Wiltshire Council Development Plan and the policies in the Neighbourhood Plan will be given full weight when assessing planning applications that affect land in the Calne and Calne Without Neighbourhood Area.
Calne Town and Calne Without Parish Council worked together on the Calne Community Neighbourhood Plan to safeguard and future proof the Calne and Calne Without neighbourhood area. This was to ensure development follows infrastructure, not the other way around, ensure the creation of employment, to tackle issues important for the town and surrounding parishes and create a framework of where and how we can achieve the community’s aspirations for the future. Equally, it will protect the community’s heritage and improve and support tourism in the area.
The plan area encompasses Calne Town and Calne Without parish boundaries. Calne Without Parish encircles Calne Town almost in its entirety and shares common concerns and issues, most notably relating to development pressures, transport and employment.
The steering group is made up of members of the local community, town and parish councillors.
The Neighbourhood Plan can be downloaded here
2022 Update and Review of the Neighbourhood Plan
Much has happened since February 2018, and it’s important that the Plan stays up-to-date and relevant, so a refresh and review of the Neighbourhood Plan is underway.
We know there will be more homes needed up to 2036 as set out by the Wiltshire Council Local Plan, and it’s important to make sure that we are up-to-date on local issues and priorities.
We also need to learn from how the Plan has been used as part of the planning decision process in our area over the past four years to understand how we can make it stronger.
Updating the Neighbourhood Plan provides a significant opportunity for local people to update their ‘shared vision’ for the future development in the area. The issues the Plan can cover can be anything from the climate emergency, local housing – need / location, good design in new development, to local business to community facilities.
Find out more and tell us what is important for you on the new website for the Community Plan launched in January 2022: calnecommunityplan.com
January 2025 Update;
Examination Success!
Independent Examiner calls the Plan “an excellent example of a Neighbourhood Plan Review” and recommends that it proceeds to Referendum.
What is a Neighbourhood Plan and what can it do?
A Neighbourhood Plan is a way for communities to have a say in the future of the places they live and work in. The plan does not act as a barrier to development but is a way for our community to make positive decisions on growth rather than responding to planning applications on an ad hoc basis.
With a plan in place development also delivers 25% of the Community Infrastructure Levy directly to our area which has funded projects including provision of defibrillators, road safety measures like the new 40mph speed limit at Studley Crossroads, improvements to play areas and support for local primary school libraries.
It’s Not Over Yet – What Happens Next
Neighbourhood Plans need to gain the approval of a majority of voters of the neighbourhood plan area to come fully into force. With a positive referendum vote the Plan will become part of the Wiltshire Development Plan and will be used to make decisions on planning applications.
Look out for your polling cards and postal votes arriving in the post ready for the vote on 27th February 2025.
27 New Green Spaces Safeguarded
These include the 50 hectare extension to Castlefields Country Park, Lavender Drive, play areas and allotments throughout the plan area. Designation does not confer additional rights of public access, but it safeguards the areas from inappropriate development.
Design Guidelines and Code to cover all development
Everything from large developments to house extensions and details such as shop fronts will need to respond to the guide.
New Local Heritage Assets
Features on the Wilts and Berks Canal, important feature buildings such as the Calne Library, statues and structures that make up our public realm are protected.
What you said shaped the Plan
“Important that Developers mitigate effects of Climate Change”
“Buses are very important, and a regular reliable bus service is vital not only to Chippenham but also to Devizes”
“We need more homes for people to rent”
“Development should take account of the impact on landscape views. This is vital to maintain the historic market town and its setting for both residents and visitors”
Calne Bowl “A well used facility enjoyed by families and young people”
“We need a variety of employment opportunities”