Calne Without Parish Council

Calne Without, Wiltshire

Hills Planning Applications

Hills Planning Applications 150 150 Katherine Checchia

Hills Minerals and Waste Applications 17/10539/WCM 17/10543/WCM 17/10550/WCM 17/10554/WCM 17/10557/WCM Calne Without Parish Council (CWPC) objected to the latest five Hills Group Minerals and Waste…

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Studley Hill Groundwater Problems

Studley Hill Groundwater Problems 888 258 Katherine Checchia

Studley Hill Groundwater Problems Councillor Crisp (Wiltshire Councillor) advised the Parish Council on the 5th June, with the latest position on the Wiltshire Council investigation…

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Sun Edison Community Funding

Sun Edison Community Funding 150 150 Katherine Checchia
Calne Without Parish Council still has funds remaining from the Sun Edison solar farm grant. read more

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