Calne Without Parish Council

Calne Without, Wiltshire

Wiltshire Council Community Governance Review

Wiltshire Council Community Governance Review 150 150 Katherine Checchia

The Parish Council has responded to the consultation being undertaken by Wiltshire Council’s Electoral Review Committee into proposals for changes to Calne Without Parish. The…

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Wiltshire Council Garden Waste Collections

Wiltshire Council Garden Waste Collections 150 150 Katherine Checchia

Wiltshire Council are asking residents to renew their garden waste collections by the 14th August 2020. Full details are available here.  

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Wiltshire Household Recycling Centres: Booking System

Wiltshire Household Recycling Centres: Booking System 150 150 Katherine Checchia

Wiltshire Council is introducing a booking system for using its household recycling centres. Booking will be available from Thursday 4th June for visits taking place…

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Parish Council Meeting on 8th June 2020

Parish Council Meeting on 8th June 2020 150 150 Katherine Checchia

The Parish Council’s next meeting will be on the 8th June 2020 at 7.30pm. In line with current advice the meeting will take place virtually.…

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Returning to School: Information guide for Parents and Carers

Returning to School: Information guide for Parents and Carers 150 150 Katherine Checchia

Schools – booklet to help families return to school   Schools have been open for children of key workers and the most vulnerable children throughout…

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Wiltshire receives Government funding for measures to create a safe environment for walking and cycling

Wiltshire receives Government funding for measures to create a safe environment for walking and cycling 150 150 Katherine Checchia

Highways and high streets The council is set to receive £227,000 of Government funding to support the use of temporary and pop-up measures to create…

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Wiltshire Council Parking Charges Reintroduced

Wiltshire Council Parking Charges Reintroduced 150 150 Katherine Checchia

Wiltshire Council will be reintroducing parking enforcement at all car parks, and on residential and on-street parking areas in the county from Monday 1 June.…

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COVID-19 Business Advice

COVID-19 Business Advice 150 150 Katherine Checchia

For detail of the support available for businesses and the self employed please click here.

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New Government Advice and Guidance

New Government Advice and Guidance 150 150 Katherine Checchia

Following the Prime Minister’s announcement on Sunday, the Government has issued a raft of new guidance and advice on its website, some of which…

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Household Recycling Centres to reopen

Household Recycling Centres to reopen 150 150 Katherine Checchia

Wiltshire Council will be reopening its household recycling centres on 18th May 2020 with the exception of Stanton St Quinton which will remain closed. Access…

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